wednesday i went to the sioux center christian school easter chapel. the first graders were reciting their memory verse so i thought i'd go watch pieter and the rest of his buddies do that in front of the school. that was the first chapel i'd been to and it was just awesome to watch. they read the story of Jesus' betrayal and resurrection and sang a bunch of songs. my most favorite was when they sang 'amazing grace/my chains are gone.' wow. what a blessing to hear all of these kids--5 years old to 14 years old belting out such a powerful song! i was tearing up there and it gives me goosebumps even thinking about it. we are so blessed to be a part of such an awesome christian school!
last night was the maunday thursday service at church. immediately when we sat down, little pieter noticed the communion up at the front. "mom, can i have some of the bread and juice this time? it's Jesus' body and blood, why can't i have some too?" what a hard question to answer.
growing up i remember my dad constantly talking about a committee he was on--children and the lord's supper. i didn't pay much attention at the time, but it's been on my mind since last night. when are kids old enough to grasp what God did for us by sending Jesus? the concept seemed so simple to pieter last night, and in a way it is. he understood what that little piece of bread and tiny glass of grape juice was for, but yet he's not able to celebrate with us because of his age. it just got me thinking....
so anyway, after they passed out the bread and juice he proceeded to tell me that he was going to celebrate when we got home. he was going to get a piece of bread out he told me. he asked me if we had any juice. i told him we had white grape juice which was almost the same. and sure enough, when we got home, he hauled out the bread, took out a piece and then poured himself a glass of juice. "want to celebrate with me mom?" he asked. makes a mama proud. :)